Our Background
Whitaker Engineering Corporation was formed by Cecil L. Whitaker, PE, DEE, President and Owner. Mr. Whitaker has over 40 years in the industry as an owner or principal in engineering firms. He is a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and holds specialty certifications with the American Academy of Environmental Engineers.
Whitaker Engineering solves challenging situations in innovative ways by providing engineering services to all client types and sizes. Whitaker Engineering was founded to provide quality engineering services beyond industry standards through improved client input and involvement at critical points in their projects. Whitaker Engineering gives all clients access to the senior members of its engineering staff. Senior staff provides input on all projects.
Whitaker Engineering provides quality services in all project areas and not just the technical aspects. The technical aspects of a project are very important, but even the greatest project benefits can be underappreciated and neglected if not clearly communicated. Whitaker Engineering is skilled in public dialogue and meetings with years of experience in presenting technical information in understandable terms.
Our Mission
Whitaker Engineering will provide innovative, practical solutions to its clients and to the public that are clearly communicated and professionally delivered.
Common Challenges
Typically, our clients are facing some or all of these situations:
• Existing facilities are difficult and expensive to operate and maintain.
• Existing facilities limit the ability to meet current needs and or future opportunities acceptably.
• Existing problems are very complex and difficult to understand, let alone develop a strategy for resolving the problems.

Types of Services
WE plans, designs, and manages construction of wastewater, stormwater, water and aquatics infrastructure of all types. A partial list of the types of services that could be required for your project is shown below:
Conceptual and Master Plans
Whitaker Engineering’s staff has successfully helped clients with developing concepts and implementing master plans in all areas of our expertise. Some of the master plans are over 20 years old and still as relevant as the master plans were when first created.Facility Evaluations
Whitaker Engineering has a proven ability to complete evaluations that preserve investments, identify ways to improve facilities cost-effectively, modify operations, and remove problems that are creating headaches and unnecessary expenses.Construction Administration
Whitaker Engineering has the construction knowledge and administrative skills to document the construction activities, to answer questions, and to determine ways to improve the final product during the construction process.Hydraulic Modeling
Understanding water flow and capacity is critical for proper operation of all kinds of facilities. Whitaker Engineering uses the sophisticated hydraulic modeling to predict flows and capacities and calibrates the models through field evaluations. Once clients understand the current hydraulic capabilities of their facilities, they can make informed decisions on how to improve their facilities.Design
Design documents must communicate to owners, builders and contractors, regulators, and customers what the owner expects when construction is completed. Whitaker Engineering involves these groups in the design process from the outset to limit misunderstandings and to clarify how each aspect of the design works together.Leadership
Cecil Whitaker is the president of Whitaker Engineering and leads its professional staff of employees. A 40-year career in water, wastewater, stormwater, and aquatic facilities provide the experience equal to firms of any size. He graduated from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology with a degree in Civil Engineering. He is a member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, Water Environment Federation, Indiana Water Environment Association, American Water Works Association at the state and national levels, and a fellow with the American Society of Civil Engineers. He holds professional engineering licenses is Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, and New York.
Cecil is a gifted communicator and has given both professional presentations at conferences and award winning speeches in Toastmaster competitions. Cecil is an avid enthusiast in outdoor activities and often participates in marathons, cycling and swimming activities, and golf. He often travels to unique destinations, combining outdoor activities with cultural experiences. His wife, Sue, and his children, Matt and Kate, often accompany him with their families on these excursions.